Making you the interesting, you never know when you got hurt the next. Leave just a minute of looking in the mirror and leaves the pride aside, not let you live. You are wrong, that's your fault.
You do not understand anything that goes through my mind. It hurt that I am. Your alter ego that you are wrong, everyone. Do not try to make you want to see in this world because it is very small, and could disappoint....
I love you, do not get the idea, are part of me, but your evil deeds, they hurt me, make me feel that I am no better. And you, maybe, you do not realize.
Perhaps, the day you realize, is too late, and you will come to me asking for forgiveness, because this beauty that you did not see me, that day the real thing, and know how much you're wrong.
You and I'll wait no more. And you better care for your loved ones who are the ones who will be with you, the rest of your life.